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Catalog Interface

The TrackStage Catalog is a flexible, customizable workspace, set up so you can maximize your viewing area while still being able to get to the information you want to see quickly and easily.

TrackStage Logo

The TrackStage Catalog is organized into four sections: the Side Menu, the Header Bar, the Side Tabs, and the Catalog Table.

The Side Menu

The Side Menu houses the Icon Menu, which is the primary navigation for TrackStage and the Action Menu, which offers actions and functions specific to the current module.

  • The Icon Menu
    Click on the icons to navigate to different modules within TrackStage. Click the arrows at the top of the Icon Menu to show or hide the Action Menu.

    The Side Menu showing all of TrackStage's Modules.

  • The Action Menu
    The Action Menu buttons are your workflow. From bringing tracks into your Catalog through to tagging the metadata, you'll find your steps in this menu.

  • The TrackStage Action Menu with buttons to mark, link, bulk edit, and tag your songs

    • Add a Track
      Clicking this button will explain the process for adding tracks to your TrackStage Catalog.
      See Adding & Deleting Tracks.

    • Delete Tracks
      Once you've removed tracks from your TrackStage folder, they will turn red. Select them and click on Delete Tracks to remove them from your Catalog. See Adding & Deleting Tracks.

    • Mark Tracks
      Select tracks and click this button to designate them as Primary, Alternate, or Stem versions.
      See Marking Tracks.

    • Link Tracks
      Select the Primary, Alternate and Stem versions of your track and then click Link Tracks to group them under the Primary. This facilitates bulk editing and makes it easier to view your Catalog.
      See Linking Tracks.

    • Fill Data
      The Fill Data function takes the information you've entered on your Primary track and copies it to all your Alternate and Stem versions with a click of a button. See Filling Data.

    • Tag Files
      The Tag Files function writes the information from a track's INFO, LYRICS, and KEYWORDS tabs to the metadata of its audio file on your hard drive.
      See Tagging Audio Files.

  • The Function Menu
    The Function menu holds a variety of processes to work with your tracks and catalog as a whole.

  • The TrackStage Function Menu with buttons to Export a spreadsheet, sync your metadata, and send tracks to DISCO

    • Export CSV
      Export your tracks and all their metadata to a spreadsheet for the libraries and publishers that want them. See Exporting Data.

    • Refresh Catalog
      Click this button if changes you've made aren't showing up onscreen.

    • Process Tracks
      The Process Tracks button with its sub-menu items allow you to start TrackSync, import spreadsheet data into the INFO Tab, and cache audio files to the cloud in MP3 format to enable file transfer and sharing. See Processing Tracks.

    • Send to DISCO
      TrackStage can upload selected tracks to your DISCO Inbox complete with all tagged metadata, so you don't have to tag your files twice.
      See Working with DISCO.

    • Send Tracks
      Not on DISCO? You can still send tracks to contacts via TrackStage direct from your Catalog.
      See Sending Tracks.

The Header Bar

The Header Bar consists of three sections: Search and Filters, TrackStage & TrackSync Status Messages, and User Profile access.

Search and Filter buttons in the TrackStage Header.
  • Search
    You can search for tracks by name, ISWC#, artist, genre, mood - almost any text field entry on your tracks. Start entering text to begin the search. Click theThe 'X' icon to clear the TrackStage search field to clear the search.

    Searching for songs and metadata with the TrackStage Search Function

  • Filters
    You can home in on what you're looking for by using the Filter buttons.

    Using TrackStage Filters to find songs by track type, publishing, pitching, and licensed status.

    • The button to lear filters and view all tracks in the TrackStage catalog
      View All
      Click this to remove all filters and view all tracks in your catalog.

    • The filter to view only Primary versions of songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View Primaries
      View only the tracks in your catalog marked as Primary versions.

    • The filter to view only Published songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View Published Tracks
      View only tracks that have been signed to a Publisher.

    • The filter to view only Pitched songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View Pitched Tracks
      View all tracks that have been pitched.

    • The filter to view only Licensed songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View Licensed
      View tracks that have gotten sync license placements.

    • The filter to view tracks that have been removed from the TrackStage folder on your hard drive.
      View Deleted
      View tracks that have been removed from your TrackStage Folder.

    • The button to clear all filters and view all tracks in the TrackStage catalog.
      View All File Types
      View all MP3, AIF, and WAV files.

    • The filter to view only MP3 versions of the songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View MP3s
      View just MP3 tracks.

    • The filter to view only WAV versions of the songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View WAV Files
      View just WAV Files.

    • The filter to view only AIF versions of the songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      View AIF Files
      View just AIF Files.

  • Catalog Summary
    Tracks lists the number of individual tracks you have in your catalog including Primaries, Alternates, Stems and uncategorized. Primaries lists just those tracks that are marked as Primaries. See Marking Tracks.

    TrackStage showing how many songs you have in your catalog, and how many are Primary Tracks

  • TrackSync Status
    The TrackSync Status indicator lets you know when TrackSync is online, connected and ready to process tracks, and when it is offline and needs to be restarted.
    See Working with TrackSync.

    TrackSync Status showing ONLINE
    TrackSync is ONLINE
    TrackSync Status showing OFFLINE
    TrackSync is OFFLINE

  • User Profile Dropdown
    Clicking on the circle icon at the far right of the header opens the User Profile menu. Click a section to jump directly to it within the User Profile. When you select a profile picture in the Personal Information section, it will appear in the circle.
    See User Profile.

    Accessing TrackStage's User Profile through the drop-down menu

The Side Tabs

The Side Tabs are where you complete and access all the information on your track. There are six tabs that categorize the information: INFO, KEYWORDS, LYRICS, CREDITS, RIGHTS, PUBLISHERS.

  • The INFO Tab
    The INFO Tab holds the majority of the metadata for a track, from Track Title and Artist Name through to Artwork. Many of the fields in the INFO Tab are tagged to the metadata on the audio files. See The INFO Tab.

    TrackStage's INFO Tab showing fields to add critical metadata to a song

  • The KEYWORDS Tab
    The KEYWORDS Tab is where you add Genres, moods, sound-alikes, and other descriptive metadata. The Genre and Keywords fields offer hundreds of moods, genres, instruments, and atmospheres to help you come up with the most complete descriptive metadata for your tracks. See The KEYWORDS Tab.

    The TrackStage KEYWORDS Tab showing fields for Genre, Keywords, Soundalikes, Cue Types and other metadata

  • The LYRICS Tab
    This is where you add the lyrics to your songs. This tab enables you to copy your lyrics with a single click as well as print a formatted lyric sheet.

    The TrackStage LYRICS Tab

  • The CREDITS Tab
    Keep track of your collaborators, work-for-hires, and other song or album credits in the CREDITS Tab. Attach contracts and identify the roles they played in your collaboration. See The CREDITS Tab.

    TrackStage CREDITS Tab with space to enter work-for-hires and other collaborators on your track

  • The RIGHTS Tab
    Record the all-important splits and master rights for your track. Attach Split Sheets and Cowriting Agreements. Information entered here can autofill directly to your tagged metadata by selecting "From Tabs" in the Grouping and Composer drop-downs in the INFO Tab. See The RIGHTS Tab.

    The TrackStage RIGHTS Tab where you enter writer's shares, master ownership and attach split sheets and contracts to your song

    If your track is signed to one or more publishers, record that information here. Mark a track as Exclusive so you don't accidentally pitch it. Set the reversion date and get notified when it approaches. List the terms and attach the contract. The information here can autofill directly to your tagged metadata by selecting "From Tabs" in the Publisher drop down in the INFO Tab. See The PUBLISHING Tab.

    The TrackStage PUBLISHING Tab where you record your song's publishing rights, reversion dates, contracts and terms.

The Catalog Table

The CATALOG Table is the meat and potatoes of TrackStage. Effectively a spreadsheet on steroids, this is where you will manage your tracks for metadata, targeting, pitching, licensing and sharing.

  • Selecting & Editing Tracks
    To select a track to edit it, you only need click on it and then on the Tab you want to work in. To select a track to Process, Tag, or send, click in the checkbox. To select multiple tracks, click their checkboxes. You can also select groups of tracks for tagging, processing, etc. by shift-clicking in the checkboxes. To select ALL tracks within a view, click the checkbox in the column header.
    See The Side Tabs.

    Selecting multiple tracks in the TrackStage CATALOG

  • Catalog Icons
    There are a number of icons that you will see in use in the Catalog columns:

    • The header button to show or hide grouped songs in the TrackStage catalog.
      Linked (Header)
      Click this toggle in the header to show or hide all versions of Linked tracks in the Catalog view.

    • The icon that identifies a linked track in the TrackStage catalog.
      Linked Track
      This identifies that the track is linked to a Primary.

    • The button to show all linked versions of a track in the TrackStage catalog.
      Show Linked Tracks
      Click this icon to show the linked versions associated with the selected track.

    • The button to hided all linked versions of your grouped tracks in the TrackStage catalog.
      Hide Linked Tracks
      Click this icon to hide the linked versions associated with the selected track.

    • The icon that identifies a Primary track in the TrackStage catalog.
      Primary Track
      Identifies a track marked as the Primary version of a song. Click on this to remove the Primary designation. Note that you cannot remove the Primary designation if the track is linked to other tracks. You'll need to unlink all the tracks first.

    • An icon that identifies a linked track in the TrackStage catalog.
      Linked to Primary
      Identifies a version that is linked to a Primary track.

    • The button to mark a track as a Primary or Full Mix version of the song in the TrackStage catalog.
      Unlinked, Not a Primary Track
      This shows the track is currently neither a Primary nor linked to a Primary track. Click on it to mark the track as a Primary.

    • The icon that identifies a track as an Alternate Version in the TrackStage catalog.
      Alternate Version
      Denotes that this track has been marked as an Alternate Version. Click on this to remove the Alternate designation.

    • The button to mark a track as an Alternate Version in the TrackStage catalog.
      Not an Alternate Version
      Denotes that this track is not currently marked as an Alternate. Clicking on this icon will mark the track as an Alternate Version.

    • The icon that identifies a track as a Stem Version in the TrackStage catalog.
      Stem Version
      Denotes that this track has been marked as a Stem Version. Click on this to remove the Stem designation.

    • The button that marks a track as a Stem Version in the TrackStage catalog.
      Not a Stem Version
      Denotes that this track is not currently marked as an Stem. Clicking on this icon will mark the track as a Stem Version.

    • The icon that identifies a track as under an Exclusive Publishing contract in the TrackStage catalog.
      Identifies that this track is signed with a Publisher to an Exclusive contract and cannot be pitched. This information is entered in the PUBLISHING Tab. See The PUBLISHING Tab.

    • The icon that identifies a track as under an Non-Exclusive Publishing contract in the TrackStage catalog.
      Identifies that this track is signed with one or more Publishers to a Non-Exclusive contract and can be pitched and signed with other non-exclusive publishers and agents. This information is entered in the PUBLISHING Tab. See The PUBLISHING Tab.

    • The icon that identifies a track as being under an Exclusive Publishing contract but still able to be pitched in the TrackStage catalog.
      Identifies that this track is signed to an exclusive contract with a Publisher or Sync Agent but that it can be pitched independently, provided that the Publisher is the contact entity for any deals and licenses. This information is entered in the PUBLISHING Tab.
      See The PUBLISHING Tab.

  • Columns
    The columns in the CATALOG table reflect the data that is entered in the INFO and other Tabs. The columns can be resized and reordered and you can also specify which fields you do and don't want to see so that you can dial in precisely the workspace that works for you. See Customization.

    TrackStage Catalog Columns

  • Sorting
    You can sort the tracks in the CATALOG by clicking on the column you would like to sort by. Clicking toggles between ascending and descending order.

    TrackStage Catalog data sorted in ascending order     TrackStage Catalog data sorted in descending order

  • Orange Tracks
    Tracks turn orange when changes have been made to a track that have not yet been tagged to the audio file on your hard drive. This is a warning to ensure you always have the most up to date information tagged to your audio file. Once the tagging process is complete, the tracks will turn black again.
    See Tagging Audio Files.

    TrackStage tracks in orange to alert that changes have been made to the song's metadata but not yet tagged to the audio file.

  • Tooltips
    When information expands beyond the size of a column, you can still view it in a tooltip by hovering over the data cell.

    TrackStage tooltips to show hidden metadata on a song