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The KEYWORDS Tab provides fields and features to help you best categorize your track for algorithms, libraries, and search functions, and give your song the best odds for discovery when it counts.

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About the KEYWORDS Tab

The Keywords tab is found in the CATALOG module to the right of the screen second from the top of the Side Tabs. This is where you enter the Genre and other Keywords that will be added to your track’s metadata.

The TrackStage Keywords Tab

Keywords and Tagged Metadata

All the information in the KEYWORDS Tab will be added to your track’s metadata when you perform a Tag Files function.

Any Genre information existing on or added to your audio file will appear in the Genre metadata field on your track.

Data that is entered in any of the other fields on the KEYWORDS tab will be copied to the LYRICS field when metadata is tagged to your audio files.

Entering Keyword information

The Genre and Keywords/Featured Instruments fields offer a vast library of terms to choose from to help you come up with your metadata. The remaining fields are simple text entry.

While you will want to specify your Genre in the Genre field so it shows up in the correct metadata field on your audio file, you can choose to enter all your other keywords into a single field if so desired. The separate fields are to help prompt you as you consider what tags to add.


Any Genre information existing on or added to your audio file will appear in the Genre metadata field on your track.

Add Genre Information to a Track
  1. Click in the Genre field.
    The Genre window will open.

    The Genre window in TrackStage's Keywords Tab

  2. Click in the Select Tags field.
    Scroll through the list to find the desired genre or type your term into the Select Tags field to jump directly to available options containing your entered text.

    Click in the box(es) next to the tags that you would like to add to your track.

    Clicking a checkbox next to a selection in TrackStage's Genre drop-down menu

  3. Click Select.
    The genres appear in the Select Tags field. Alternately, you can simply click in the Select Tags field again.

    The selected Genres showing in the Select Tags field.

  4. Click Apply Genre.
    The genres are applied to the track.

    The genres showing in the Keywords Tab in the Genre field.

  5. Click Save Changes.
    The genres are saved to the track.

    Clicking the Save Changes button in the Keywords Tab

Create a New Genre
  1. Click in the Create New Tag(s) field.
    Enter the new Genre and click theicon.

    Entering a custom Genre in the Create New Tag(s) field.

    The new genre is added to the Select Tags field.

  2. Click Apply Genre.

    Clicking the Apply Genre button.

    The new genre is applied to the track.

  3. Click Save Changes.

    Clicking the Save Changes button to save the genre to the track.

    The new genre is saved to the track and added to your TrackStage Keyword Library.

  4. Refresh your Catalog.

    Clicking the Refresh Catalog button to view changes made the the track in the TrackStage Catalog..

    The new genre is now accessible through the Select Tags dropdown.

    Viewing the new genre in the Genre dropdown.

Remove a Genre from a Track.
  1. Make sure the genre is already applied to the track.
    Click on Apply Genre, then click back in the Genre field to reopen the Genre window.

    Clicking the Apply Genre button.

  2. Click on the x beside the name on the tag you want to remove.

    Deleting a genre by clicking on the x next to the genre name in the Select Tag(s) field.

    The genre is removed from the Select Tag(s) field.

    The window showing that the genre has been removed from the Select Tag(s) field.

  3. Click Apply Genre again.
    The genre is removed from the Keywords Tab.

    The removed genre is no longer showing in the Genre field

  4. Click Save Changes.
    The genre is removed from the track.

    The removed genre is no longer showing in the Keywords tab

Keywords and Featured Instruments

The Keywords and Featured Instruments offers a categorized library of hundreds of descriptive terms to select from. Or you can add your own.

Add Keywords Using the Select Tags Field
  1. Click in the Select Tags field.
    Scroll through the list and check the boxes next to the keywords you want to choose.

    Clicking the checkbox beside a Keyword in the drop-down to add it to the track.

    You can also type your term into the Select Tags field to jump directly to available options containing your entered text.

    Typing text jumps to the keyword

  2. Click Select.
    The keywords are added to the Select Tags field.

    Clicking the Select button in the drop-down to add the keywords to the track.

  3. Click Apply Keywords.
    The keywords are added to the track.

    Clicking the Apply Keywords button to apply the keywords to the track.

Add Keywords With the Category Selector
  1. Click the By Category button.
    A sub-menu with four categories appears: Instruments, Atmosphere, General, and Moods.

    Selecting a Keyword using the By Category button.

  2. Click on Instruments.
    The Instruments sub-menu contains over 200 instruments that are separated into alphabetical groups.

    The alphabetical breakdown of the available instruments in the Keyword library

  3. Click on Moods.
    Clicking Moods opens up a second dub-menu broken into four mood types: Anger/Intensity, Fear/Danger, Happiness/Love, and Sad/Negative. Each of these sub-groups has dozens of keywords from which to choose.

    The subgroups of the Mood Category.

    Click on the moods that apply to your track. You can click on as many as you like without having to re-open the sub-menus.

Create a New Keyword
  1. Click in Create New Tag(s).

  2. Enter the new keyword and click theThe plus icon to add a new keyword.icon.

    Adding a custom keyword in the Create New Tag(s) field.

  3. Click Apply Keywords.

    Clicking the Apply Keywords button.

    The new keyword is added to the track as well as to your TrackStage keyword library. Note that this new keyword will be available to future tracks through the Select Tags option but NOT the By Category selector.

Remove a Single Keyword from the Track
  1. Make sure the keyword is already applied to the track.
    Click on Apply Keywords, then click once again in the Keywords and Featured Instruments field to reopen the Keywords window.

  2. Click on the x beside the name on the tag you want to remove.

    Clicking the x by the keyword to be deleted.

  3. Click Apply Keywords.

    Clicking the Apply Keywords button in the Keywords window to remove the deleted keyword from the track.

    The keyword is removed.

Remove All Keywords from the Track
  1. Click in the Keywords and Featured Instruments field.
    The Keywords window opens.

    The Keyword window showing the current keywords on the track.

  2. Click on Clear All.
    The tags are removed from the Select Tags field.

    Clicking the Clear All button to remove all keywords.

  3. Click Apply Keywords.
    The keywords are removed.

    Clicking the Apply Keywords button to commit the change.

Adding Keywords using Copy & Paste.

You can copy keywords from a spreadsheet or other document and paste them into TrackStage instead of selecting them individually.

  1. Copy the keywords from your document.

    Keywords selected and copied in a text document.

  2. Click in the Keywords and Featured Instruments field.
    The Keywords window opens.

  3. Click in Create New Tag(s), paste your keywords, and click theicon.

    Pasting the copied words into the Create New Tag(s) field.

    It doesn’t matter if the tags you are pasting in are already in the TrackStage library. They won’t be duplicated. Any new tags that you are pasting in, however, will be added to your TrackStage keyword library for future use.

  4. Click Apply Keywords.
    The keywords are added to your track.

    The pasted keywords showing up in the Keywords window and clicking on the Apply Keywords button.

Sounds Like

Use the Sounds Like field to enter any popular artists or movies that your song sounds like to aid in clients searching. (i.e. Smashing Pumpkins, Harry Potter). Data entered here will be tagged to your audio files in the Lyrics field.

Why the Lyrics field?
The description field on audio files is limited to 254 characters, but the Lyrics field is virtually unlimited, while still being fully accessible by search algorithms. TrackStage copies all keywords, genres, description and other critical fields to the Lyrics field after any song Lyrics tagged to the file.

The Sounds Like field in the TrackStage Keywords Tab.

Cue Type

Is your track a trailer? A bed? A stinger? An underscore? Entering a cue type in this field will add it to your track’s metadata, making your track easier to find for clients searching by cue type.

The Cue Type field in the TrackStage Keywords Tab.

Production Type

You can further tag your song as being appropriate for certain production types, such as Advertising, Games, Film/TV, etc. Again, this information will be added to your track’s metadata and will be searchable.

The Production Type field in the TrackStage Keywords Tab.

Ideal For...

Is your game track ideal for kids’ games? Is your anthemic song ideal for a sporting event? You get the picture…

The Ideal For... field in the TrackStage Keywords Tab.